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Terma & Syarat

EPICscreen | Cinema Advertising


(a) The expression “the Company” shall mean EPICscreen. and shall include its successors and assigns.

(b)The expression “the Advertiser” shall mean the person, firm, or company placing the order and shall include its successors and assigns.

(c)The expression “working day” shall mean any day of the week from Monday to Friday inclusive, except any Public Holiday.

(d)The expression “in-charge date” shall mean the date from which the payment shall commence as specified.

(e)The expression “services” shall mean the services offered by the Company which shall at all times be limited to the services specified in the Company’s final proposal and quotation submitted to the Advertiser.

1.2 The headings in these Terms are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation of these terms.




2.1 The placing of an Order by the Advertiser with the Company shall constitute acceptance by the Advertiser of these terms and conditions, which shall override and exclude all prior agreements, undertakings, and representations and exclude any other stipulated, incorporated, or referred to by the Advertiser. No modification and or variations of these terms and conditions shall be effective unless agreed in writing between the parties.

2.2 No Order placed with the Company shall be deemed to be accepted until completion of the Acknowledgment of Order by the company.




Agency Commission at the rate of up to 15% is payable to accredited advertising agencies where applicable and shall be on the next value of the media booking.




4.1 An invoice shall be rendered by the Company to the advertiser within 30 days prior to the month of campaign execution.


4.2 Payment shall be made in Malaysia Ringgit (unless otherwise specified) at the office of the company without any deduction by reason of any alleged counterclaim or otherwise howsoever caused.

4.3 All payments are due on the date stipulated in the invoice.

4.4 Payment to the Company shall not be dependent upon your receiving payment from your client(s)

4.5 Time shall be of the essence as regards payments.

4.6 All payments made to the Company for any Order are non-refundable under any circumstances.




The interest of late payments shall accrue at the rate of 0.5% per day until payment is received after as well as before any judgment therefore.




There shall be no cancellation of this Order except under the following terms:

6.1 Upon written notice being Acknowledged by the Company, the following fifteen weeks' rate card display charges are payable in full whether the sites are occupied by the Advertiser or not, and,

6.2 All space booked after this first period of fifteen weeks shall be payable at 50% of the unexpired rate card amount.

6.3 All cancellation charges are payable immediately unless the Company gives written notice of acceptance of the cancellation.




The Company may start posting content one day prior to the In-Charge Date and will complete the posting within 3 working days after the stipulated date. Removal of content will take place similarly during the allotted times prior to and after the date fixed for the completion of an Order. The company reserves the right to alter these in-charge days by giving 4 weeks' written notice to the Advertiser.




The company shall use all reasonable endeavors to display the Advertisement on the in-Charge date specified in the contract. The company is entitled to commence the charge for the display of any advertisement effective from the date specified in the contract. Under no circumstances shall the company be liable to compensate the Advertiser for damage or otherwise for the non-display or late display of any advertisement for whatever notice or for any consequential loss or otherwise arising therefrom.




Advertiser will provide for the right of entry and access to all relevant sites, equipment, and other information in its control or possession as is necessary for the Company to timeously and fully complete the Work. The Company is not responsible for the quality and accuracy of data or information, or for the methods from which the data was developed, where such information or data is provided by or through Advertiser or others that are not agents of the Company, and the Company has no obligation to investigate facts or conditions not disclosed to it by Advertiser.




All appropriated content not produced by the Company shall be delivered to the Company not less than 7 working days prior to the date of commencement of display specified in the order.




In the event of late or non-delivery of approved content not produced by the company, charges shall still be payable and shall accrue due as of the specified commencement date.




12.1 All advertisements must be approved before they may be posted.

12.2 All changes required at more frequent intervals than 4 weeks or which are required within a shorter time limit than specified, will be charged for. Where putting a cover on advertisement panels prior to posting is specifically asked for, the additional cost will be charged at the Company’s normal rate.

12.3 When an Advertiser is entitled to a change of content without a separate charge and stipulates a date upon which such change should be commenced the company will complete the change within 3 working days after the stipulated date.

12.4 Where an Advertiser requires a change of content in respect of which a separate charge is to be made, the Company shall complete such change within 3 working days after the stipulated date. Unless otherwise agreed by the Advertiser the company shall not commence such changes before the stipulated date.




All rates include public liability insurance and maintenance of the display of the Advertiser’s content in good condition and for this purpose, the Advertiser shall supply sufficient content not produced by the Company of the appropriate size and material but the Company shall only be liable in respect of any damaged or incorrect display of any content if the defects have not been remedied within 3 working days after notification of the same to the Company by the Advertiser.




14.1 The Company shall be under no liability for loss or for damage to posters, designs, or advertisements supplied to the Company except insofar as such loss or damage arising due to the fault or negligence of the company or its employees and in any event the Company’s liability shall never exceed the charges for the display of that advertisement to the Advertiser.

14.2 The company’s liability for non-display, incorrect display, or display of any damaged advertisement in all events, shall not exceed the charges for the display of that advertisement for the period of such non-display or incorrect display. The advertisers shall notify the Company immediately when the Advertiser becomes aware of any non-display, incorrect display, or display of any damaged content.




The company shall have the absolute right at any time to refuse to display or continue to display any advertisement which, in its opinion is objectionable, unsuitable, impracticable, or likely to give offense, or for any other reason. In such an event the agreement in whole or in part may be canceled by the company forthwith without any responsibility or liability on the part of the Company and to the extent, the Agreement shall continue in full force and effect.




16.1 The company accepts full responsibility for compliance with statutory requirements so far as concerns the use of any site for the display of advertisement to which a contract relates, but so far concerns the subject matter or content of the advertisement itself the Advertiser will indemnify the Company against all liability and will be responsible therefore.

16.2 The Advertisers warrants and undertakes that:-

  • (a) the advertisement copy will comply with all statutory and other legal requirements and provisions.

  • (b) the Advertiser will be responsible for payment for obtaining any consent relating to license copyright material or the appearance of any person in his advertisement

  • (c) no Advertisement Copy will breach the copyright or other Intellectual Property rights of or be defamatory to any third party.

  • (d) no Advertisement party will contain or be anything that is indecent or obscene.

  • (e) the Advertiser will indemnify and keep the Company indemnified against all actions, proceedings, costs, damages, expenses, penalties, claims, demands, and liabilities arising from any breach of the above warranties or in any manner whatsoever or consequences of the use of any advertising copy or matter supplied or displayed on his behalf

16.3 The Advertiser must comply with the Malaysian Code of Advertising and Any Acts of Parliament or subsequent legislation applicable and pay all fees and charges in connection therewith except the specific annual license fees issued by relevant local councils. The Advertiser shall keep the Company indemnified against all penalties and liabilities of every kind of breach of above stated Code, acts, or legislation.




All content design and where the advertisements are to be produced by the Company, visuals, and artwork in electronic or otherwise format must be submitted to the company six weeks before the in-charge date. This is to facilitate approval sought from relevant local councils for the design.




The due performance of any terms and conditions is subject to suspension, variation or cancellation by the company by the reason of war, strikes, industrial action short of strikes, lockout, accidents, fire, flood, riot, import or export embargo, natural catastrophes or any other causes beyond the control of the company.




The company shall be entitled to a general lien on advertisement in the Company’s possession for all sums whether liquidated or qualified or not, due from the Advertiser to the company.




The Advertiser should not assign any benefit under this contract without consent in writing from the company.




The company shall have the right after giving reasonable notice, to alter the position of or withdraw temporarily or permanently any item of advertising media for operational aesthetic or other reasons and no claims of any nature shall be made against the Company the respect thereof.




The Advertiser shall have no rights or make any claims against any Landlord or in connection arising out of the Agreement between the Company and the Advertiser.




23.1 Any notices or communications from the company to the Advertiser may be delivered personally by leaving the same at or sent by ordinary post or by the facsimile of the Advertiser on the day of delivery, If delivered personally as aforesaid, or on the next business day after posting, if sent by post or on the day of dispatch of the facsimile. The Company may, through its representative, also orally give or to communicate to the Advertiser by telephone or in person. All oral notices and communications sent or given to or made with the Advertiser's representatives, employees, servants, or agents shall be binding on the Advertiser,

23.2 Any notice, request, or instruction given by the Advertiser to the Company shall be given in writing and sent by registered post and shall take effect only one business day or such longer time as the Company may require after the Company’s actual receipt of such notice request or instruction. Notwithstanding the aforesaid, the Company shall be entitled and in its absolute discretion to rely and act on notices, requests, or instructions, which are or purport to be from or given on behalf of the Advertiser (whether or not they are genuine or given with the Advertiser’s consent or authority) and which are given orally or otherwise communicated to the company other than as provided as aforesaid, and any action on the Company’s part pursuant to such notices, request or instructions shall be binding on the Advertiser.




Upon breach of the agreement by the Advertiser whether to make payment when due or otherwise the company may either: –

24.1 elect to require payment by the Advertiser of the balance of monies payable whether or not the same is due, upon which the balance of monies payable shall immediately become due and payable and until such payment to the Company shall not be obliged to perform any further obligations under this Agreement, or

24.2 elect to terminate this Agreement in which event the Company shall retain all monies paid by the Advertiser on account of the prices and shall be released absolutely from any obligations under this payment.




Automatic extension of site booking cannot be guaranteed, in the event, the Advertiser intends to extend the period of display, it shall notify the Company in writing not less than 17 weeks before the expiry period of display, whereupon the Company will attempt to accommodate a such request for extension. In the event such a request for extension cannot be accepted by the Company, the Company will attempt to provide an alternative site of equivalent value to the Advertiser. Nothing herein contained subjects the company to an obligation express or implied, to grant an extension and or provide an alternative site for the Advertisers.




This Agreement shall forthwith terminate at the Company’s discretion without any further notice, should the Advertiser hereto become insolvent or make or seek to make an arrangement with or assignment for the benefit or creditors, or if proceeding in a voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or pursuant to any other insolvency law are commenced by, on behalf or against the Advertiser should be appointed without prejudice or antecedents rights.




This Agreement shall forthwith terminate at the Company’s discretion without any further notice, should the Advertiser hereto become insolvent or make or seek to make an arrangement with or assignment for the benefit or creditors, or if proceeding in a voluntary or involuntary bankruptcy or pursuant to any other insolvency law are commenced by, on behalf or against the Advertiser should be appointed without prejudice or antecedents rights.




The company reserves the right at any time by not less than 8 weeks’ notice in writing served on the Advertiser to alter the rates chargeable there under and to vary any of these terms and conditions. Any such alterations shall take effect on the date specified by the company or 8 weeks after service of such notice on the Advertiser whichever shall be the latter.



29. COST

The Advertiser agrees to indemnify the company for all legal costs and fees (on a solicitor and client basis) incurred or to be incurred by the Company as a consequence of or in connection with any default by the Advertiser in performing or observing any terms and conditions contained herein, including all costs and expenses in connection with demanding, obtaining and or enforcing payments from the Advertiser of all or any monies or damages due and claimed herein.




30.1 This agreement shall be deemed to be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Malaysia and the Advertiser submits irrevocably to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Malaysia.

30.2 The Advertiser hereby irrevocably agrees that the services of any Writ of Summons or Statement of Claims or other legal process or documents requiring personal service in respect of any action or proceeding under this Agreement may be effected on the Advertiser by sending such Writ of Summons or Statement of Claim or other legal process or documents by ordinary or registered post or by personal delivery by leaving it at the Advertisers last know or other address and such Writ of Summons or Statement of Claim or other legal process or documents shall be deemed to be duly served on the Advertiser on the day after posting or on the day of delivery if sent by personal delivery.

Anchor T&C Deepavali

EPICscreen Deepavali Promo 2024 - Terms & Conditions

Campaign Validity:
This promotion is valid for booking from 1 September 2024 until 4 October 2024.


Advertising Campaign Period:
The advertising campaign period runs from 10 October 2024 until 6 November 2024. This timeline is fixed and cannot be altered. Any requisition to change the advertising campaign period is subject to EPICscreen’s approval and discretion.


Movies and Schedule:
Advertisements will be shown during blockbuster movies like Kanguva, Vettaiyan, Smile 2, Venom: The Last Dance, Amaran, and Vidaamuyarchi. However, movie release dates are subject to change without prior notice.


Package Details:
•    Full Network: RM190,000 – Includes 47 locations, 30-second ads for 4 weeks, and off-screen complimentary (e-trailer/e-poster/website banner/mobile app exposure).
•    Premium Package: RM90,000 – Includes 14 locations, 30-second ads for 4 weeks, and off-screen complimentary (e-trailer/e-poster/website banner/mobile app exposure).
•    Any 3 Locations: RM19,000 – Includes 3 locations, 30-second ads for 4 weeks, and off-screen complimentary (e-trailer/e-poster/website banner/mobile app exposure).


1.    Packages are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. EPICscreen reserves the right to limit the number of clients per location and adjust availability based on demand.
2.    Ad Position: ROS / Zero % Loading charge. The availability is based on a first come, first serve basis. Better ad position can be added with additional Loading Charges.


Complimentary *Off-Screen:
Each package comes with the following free of charge:
•    E-trailer
•    E-poster
•    Website banner
•    Mobile app exposure


1.    These off-screen complimentary is a first-come, first-served basis, and subject to availability at all cinema networks (except for 10 Star Cinemas).
2.    All off-screen items are subject to EPICscreen's discretion and may be modified without prior notice.


Payment Terms:
•    A non-refundable deposit of 50% is required to secure the booking, upon the confirmation of Media Booking Order.
•    Full payment must be made within 7 days prior to the Campaign Start Date. Failure to make payment by the due date may result in the forfeiture of the booking.


•    Cancellations made after booking confirmation will forfeit the deposit.
•    Cancellations made within 7 days of the Campaign Start Date will require 100% penalty charge.


Changes to the Package:
EPICscreen reserves the right to make adjustments to the campaign, including but not limited to, changes in movie schedules, advertising slots, and other promotional items.


SST & Agency Commissions:
All prices include 8% SST and *agency commissions (*only if applicable).


Ad Content Approval:
All ad content must be submitted for FINAS & LPF approval at least 14 working days before the Campaign Start Date. EPICscreen will not be liable for any late content submissions. EPICscreen reserves the right to reject any ad that does not comply with cinema advertising standards, rules, and regulations.


Limitation of Liability:
EPICscreen will not be held liable for any unforeseen circumstances that may affect the display of advertisements, including but not limited to movie delays, cancellations, or technical issues at the cinema.


Legal Jurisdiction:
This agreement is governed by the laws of Malaysia, and any disputes arising will be settled in the courts of Malaysia.


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